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Showing posts from April 18, 2010

Lilac Perfumes - How Perfumes Are Made

Perfume has been used throughout history for a variety of reasons. People have used perfume, oils and unguents on their bodies for thousands of years in lesser or greater amounts dependant on fashion whims. In the early Egyptians used perfumed balms as part of religious ceremonies and later as part of pre love making preparations. Now it is used by thousands of Consumers to indicate their lifestyle, character, presence and Specialty in the industry. This Article explains how the perfumes are made and what ingredients are involved in it. Perfume is made from about 78% to 95% of specially denatured ethyl alcohol and a remainder of essential oils. Perfumes are made up of a blend of different aromas that usually come from essential oils. Perfume formulations can be expressed in volumetric or weight proportions of each of its components. Perfumes today are being made and used in different ways than in previous centuries. Perfumes are being manufactured more and more frequently with synthe